20 years experience & success

Benefit from our high level of expertise.

Mental coaching of the drivers

We get the best out of the drivers. We support not only professionally but also mentally and in their national language. Drivers are people, not machines.

Efficiency is the key

20% of drivers cause 80% of accidents and damage. We will change that for you.

You save immediately

Fewer accidents such as rear-end collisions, shunting accidents, backing accidents, turning accidents, fewer driver absences, lower costs and a safer feeling for your drivers and customers.


Training as a High Class Limousine Driver
Training content:
• Mistakes in the guest contact and in the limousine business in general
• Etiquette of the top driver: dress codes, behavior
• basic security skills
• Behavior during government operations
• Behavior towards VIP
• Behavior in case of disturbances in the process (delay, wrong information)
• Behavior in case of accidents
• vehicle maintenance
• Behavior in foreign locations
• Personal mission planning & time management

2 day seminars with up to 6 drivers with theory & practical application with driving style analysis and driving style optimization, guest simulation in the vehicle, 1:1 feedbacks between coach & driver.
(personal coaching of each driver)



Do you have own trainers for your Drivers in your company? This is great and show us that your company is already doing a lot to promote road safety and avoid accidents but we can optimize your trainer. Also your trainers need „new inputs“ form time to time for better qualitiy as yesterday. We give him or your Trainer Team all our knowledge, experience and push up your Trainer of „Made in Germany Trainer – Level“. 

Short overview of the main Bullets „Train the trainer“:

  1. Open the mindset oft he trainers – think greater – take chances in your work and life
  2. Improving the ability to analyze problems and find solutions
  3. Basics of communications skills, kinds of leaderships, hire & fire versus „work with drivers we have“
  4. Motivation for your self, for the driver and teams – what disturb and crashed the communications
  5. Tool for analyse ther „Safety Level“ oft he drivers – Lizenz product
  6. Analysis of insurance losses, understand the Insurance results of accidents
  7. The masterplan of Fleet-Riskmanagement –  10 topics oft he most solutions – discription oft he means
  8. simulations of ciritical discussions – solution for avoid eskalations
  9. Videotraining with heavy discussed, analyse the behavior in action and give valuable tips on how to optimize
  10. Practical contents of german Coach-Training by Drivers directly in busses, trucks, taxis

We need arround 3 levels of education Coaching, a 2 Days. We observe in 1-2 Days (for 10 Trainer) the educations-styles of your trainers directly in practical missions. We give you a lot of impulse and content of the german Coaching.

Important: We need an additional two Days of Analysis of your current training programm in theory an practical Cases. After the analysis Days we will develop and tailor the trainer programm specifically for your company.


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5 reasons why you need us...

Protection of passengers
Your passengers have the right to feel safe. You have to take care of that.
Driver protection
Inexperienced drivers, can not work professionally. You need to train and prepare them properly. This not only protects your passengers, but also your drivers.
Safer streets
In the crazy traffic of Dubai we need more safety. Especially for our children in the school buses. This is one of our biggest concerns.
Massive reduction in damage
No one wants personal injury or property damage. We immediately identify the problems and solve them.
Positive public image for you!
You show the public that you care about the training of your drivers and the safety of your passengers. Be better than everyone else with our help.

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